

2014-09-16 17:29:30
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PUBLICIS GROUPE CONSEIL DE SURVEILLANCE ANNOUNCES: - STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR 2018 - CREATION OF THE “DIRECTOIRE+” - NEW PROMOTIONS AND NOMINATIONS A meeting of the Conseil de Surveillance (Supervisory Board) of Publicis Groupe [Euronext Paris: FR0000130577, CAC 40] was held on September 15, 2014, chaired by Elisabeth Badinter. After discussing the strategic directions set out by Maurice Lévy, Chairman & CEO,Publicis Groupe, and the report and proposals of the Nomination Committee, the Conseil de Surveillance approved the following decisions: 1- Advertisers are grappling with the accelerating pace of technological innovation and the inevitable transformation to a digital world. This transformation is not confined to the fields of marketing or communications, but affects every area of a business. Taking all the changes into account, Publicis Groupe will extend its leadership in the digital sphere and enrich its offerings by creating new services, either by organic growth or acquisitions, notably in the realm of technology. These decisions are in line with the Groupe’s 2018 growth and margin targets. A presentation will be made to investors before the end of October. 2- On the joint proposal of the Chairman of the Directoire (Management Board) and of the Nomination Committee, the Conseil de Surveillance decided to appoint a new management team to implement these strategic directions over time. The terms of office of the current Directoire (members include: Maurice Lévy, Chairman, Jean-Yves Naouri, Jean-Michel Etienne and Kevin Roberts) are to end with immediate effect. The Conseil de Surveillance also approved a number of organizational changes, promotions of senior executives and nominations of new leaders. The new Directoire is appointed for a period of four years. It is comprised of additional senior executives of the Groupe, to form the "Directoire+" who will have strictly identical responsibilities. The aim is to involve an expanded team in the management of the Groupe at the highest level and in the preparation for its future. With regret, Jean-Yves Naouri will not be part of the new management structure. The Directoire consists of Maurice Lévy, Chairman, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner, Kevin Roberts and Jean-Michel Etienne. 改组后的新一届管理董事会将包括Maurice Levy(担任董事长)、Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner、Kevin Roberts、Jean-Michel Etienne、Laura Desmond(星传媒体集团首席执行官) 、Steve King (实力传播首席执行官)、Arthur Sadoun(阳狮广告首席执行官)、Rishad Tobaccowala(阳狮集团首席策略官)。共计8位董事。 其中,Maurice Levy和Kevin Roberts 将会在2016年从董事会中卸任 从2015年1月1日起,盛世长城全球首席执行官Kevin Roberts 将转任整个SSF集团(Saatchi & Saatchi/Fallon)的执行董事长,并出任Head Coach of Publicis Groupe这一新职位,负责培训集团内的那些最高经理人(P1000)。 与此同时,现任EMEA区首席执行官Robert Senior 将升任SSF集团的全球首席执行官,现任亚太区董事长/CEO Chris Foster将升任SSF集团全球首席运营官。 Axel Duroux 将在2014年10月加入阳狮集团,负责新兴市场和快速发展市场的战略、发展、绩效和最大化。 3:睿域营销、Rosetta以及Nurun将共同组成新的Razorfish Global,由全球首席执行官Tom Adamski 统领。 乐必扬(DigitasLBi)的全球首席执行官 Luke Taylor 与Tom Adamski 将直接向阳狮集团全球董事长/CEO 述职。 同时, 现任乐必扬/睿域营销董事长的Rishad Tobaccowala将被任命为阳狮集团首席策略官,负责整个集团的数字营销的未来愿景上的战略思考。 4:现任VivaKi 首席执行官Frank Voris 将被提拔为Re:sources的首席执行官,并负责整个集团的SSC(Shared Service Centers)以及内部IT的相关事务。与此同时,他还将监管集团的制作平台Prodigious。 5:VivaKi 将继续向前发展,并通过两大业务单元来配合:(1)博睿传播(VivaKi Exchange) 在首席执行官Simon Pardon的带领下,继续耕耘于媒体交易、媒体谈判以及媒介执行。(2)VivaKi Data(阳狮锐奇数据)将由首席执行官Stephan Beringer 领导,负责包括AOD以及技术平台。VivaKi 集团董事长将先由Laura Desmond 暂时担任,然后由Steve King 接替。 6- Prodigious, the Groupe's production platform, will undergo accelerated development under CEO Jean-François Valent, to meet the ever more demanding needs of advertisers and respond to advances in technology, as well as an offering independent of other Groupe services. 7- The highly satisfactory performance of our healthcare communications network under CEO Nicholas Colucci, particularly in the digital sector, has led us to consider new developments in digital platforms at PHCG. 8- A working group chaired by Tom Bernardin, CEO of Leo Burnett, will reflect upon geographic coverage and optimization of our network of creative agencies, the steering of integrated communications for our clients, and will produce an action plan to be implemented over the course of 2015. 9- Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner, General Secretary, currently in charge of the Groupe’s auditing, legal and HR functions takes on the additional responsibility of the Purchasing and Insurance functions. Charlotte Duthoo, formerly Chief Procurement Officer of Publicis Groupe, joins Publicis Worldwide as Executive Vice-President, Talent and Transformation. 10- Jean-Michel Etienne, Executive Vice-President and CFO, will be given the additional task of optimizing Publicis Groupe’s operations management. 11- The strategic communications, events and public relations businesses of MSLGROUP under the responsibility of CEO Olivier Fleurot will be reinforced. Further information will be released before the end of the year. 12- Tom Adamski, Axel Duroux, Robert Senior, Luke Taylor, Mark Tutssel, Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett, and Jean-François Valent will join the current members of P12, the Groupe's strategic consulting and operational coordination committee. Furthermore, a release will be published soon regarding the enhancement of the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT). The Conseil de Surveillance also approved the following proposals: - Investment decisions designed to strengthen the Groupe's position in sectors offering the best future prospects and potential for growth. Further consideration will be given to the nature and pace of such investments, which will depend on the opportunities that arise. Information will be released as and when appropriate. - Confirmation of the targets for growth (100bp above market average) and margin (minimum of +200bp) for 2018. - A proposal for the early redemption of Orane bonds to be submitted to the assembly of Orane bondholders and Publicis Groupe shareholders in 2015. - A share buyback program under the terms of authorizations granted by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders. - Dividend policy comprising a distribution rate of 35% in 2015 (2014 financial results) and a gradual increase over the coming years to bring the Groupe into alignment with the industry average (around 42%) by 2018.


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