
Opera brings no-cost, sponsored data packages to the mobile internet with Sponso

2014-02-21 16:28:02
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Opera Software is announcing Sponsored Web Pass, a breakthrough in bringing easy-to-understand, zero-risk mobile internet packages to consumers around the world. Sponsored Web Pass enables operators to easily team up with advertisers to sponsor the cost of customers' mobile internet access, providing users with free mobile data. Sponsored Web Pass enables consumers to access the mobile internet in “easy-to-understand” time- or content-based mobile internet increments. For example, now the user can get “one day of mobile internet”, or “one hour of Twitter usage” sponsored by an advertiser. All the user has to do is to is watch a short advertisement from the sponsor before continuing to their content, similar to the way an ad from a sponsor airs before the start of a TV program. Users are then free to engage with the content in their Web Pass for its entire duration. When the Sponsored Web Pass expires, users are given a soft landing with the option to continue browsing after purchasing a paid Web Pass, or to re-engage with different sponsors and continue browsing at no charge. Opera’s Sponsored Web Pass now allows operators to increase their revenues from data services by enabling their participation in ad revenue monetization. “Sponsored Web Pass gives operators a unique channel to partner with the advertisers and content providers who are already driving traffic across their networks, and helps both parties to participate in monetization of that traffic,” said Nuno Sitima, SVP of Business Development at Opera Software. “This is an excellent way for operators to bring new users onto the mobile internet while introducing them to new, easy-to-understand data packages.”
Tags: Opera


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