
Saatchi & Saatchi任命全球创意总监

2014-03-05 23:56:04
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自2008年Bob Isherwood离职之后,萨奇广告的全球创意大班椅就一直空缺了5年多,今日早上萨奇广告(好吧,国内叫盛世长城)将此前的拉美区区域创意总监Pablo Del Campo升到全球创意掌门人。(备注:Isherwood现在是伊诺盛全球创意首脑)

全球 - 阳狮集团旗下的萨奇广告(Saatchi & Saatchi) 宣布提拔现任拉美区区域创意总监Pablo Del Campo担任新的全球创意总监(Worldwide Creative Director),以填补2008年底Bod Isherwood离任所留下的空缺。他将向萨奇全球首席执行官Kevin Roberts述职,并继续坐镇在阿根廷。 Pablo Del Campo是目前全球范围内获奖最丰的创意总监之一,他于2000年在布宜诺斯艾利斯创办了创意公司 Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi,在过去的七年时间里也一直担任萨奇广告拉美区的区域创意总监(Regional Creative Director)。在其任内,获得52尊戛纳狮子以及一堆其他行业奖项。 Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi was named Ad Age International Agency of the year in 2011, and has consistently placed among the Top Ten of the Gunn Report over 10 years, ranked number 2 in 2012. It has been #1 agency in Argentina for the last eight years and has held the title of Best Agency in Latin America for five years in a row. Pablo Del Campo is a member of the Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide Creative Board, and has led multiple global creative assignments across the Saatchi & Saatchi network. In 2012 Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi opened in Madrid as part of a Spanish-speaking network within Saatchi & Saatchi. Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Worldwide Kevin Roberts said, “Pablo’s appointment comes at a time when clients are walking the tightrope between big data and big emotion. Our role as a creative organization is to turn the swimming pool of data insights into creative revelations that engage customers with ideas, with emotion. Pablo is an ideas leader through and through.” Pablo Del Campo said, “Ideas about communicating are the center of my universe. My new role is to accelerate the flow and adoption of ideas from our strategists and creatives to customers wherever they are, on whatever device, in every time zone. “My priorities are to set new goals for our creative community, to mentor world-changing ideas, and to foster culture. “The biggest shift we have made has been from ‘what does my ad look like?’ to ‘what does love feel like?’ Today this plays out in every form imaginable, from a museum installation involving identical twins, a travelling roadshow collecting cheers for the national football team, to live events such as broadcasting the first moments of motherhood. “Film remains a beautiful medium for bringing Lovemark stories to life, and its power has been exponentially illuminated by social media sharing and audience involvement.” For the ¨Battle of the Surfaces¨, Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi brought together, for the very first time, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal playing a tennis match in a court half grass and half clay. The match was followed by more than 200 million people around the world. As a business leader from Argentina, Del Campo says that “in a country where we are always afraid of what is going to happen next because of recurrent instability, we rarely say no to any opportunity. For this reason we happily work 24/7, which makes us more competitive than agencies in more developed markets.” Argentina has a reputation as one of the world’s leading creative advertising markets. “People in Argentina value great advertising almost as much as football,” says Del Campo. “They think of advertising as something entertaining and moving that relates to their lives and culture. And corporations believe it is better to have outstanding communications.” Regional LATAM CEO for Saatchi & Saatchi, Cynthia McFarlane said, “Pablo’s appointment is a tremendous endorsement of his creative leadership, and a great reflection on Argentinean creativity. He is a source of pride for our region.” While his new role will involve travel throughout the Saatchi & Saatchi worldwide network, Del Campo will continue to be based in Argentina, and will remain closely involved in the agencies in in Buenos Aires and Madrid which will continue to carry his name.


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